In Harmony with Nature...

Experiencing nature and its power at-


Friday,6th December 2019The educational tour fulfilling the curriculum requirement for TYBSc (Biotechnology) for Agribiotechnology was arranged to Keshav Srushti, Bhayander with Ms.Sadhana Purkait as the Professor Incharge. We reached the destination around 9.00am and were guided by Mr. Abdullah Shaikh to explore the Biodiversity of this 200 acres area, which is also self-sufficient in terms of water, electricity, food and energy requirements. 

Amongst the various areas covered,at the very beginnning we were explained about Bee-Keeping, and the details the types of honey-bees,the pattern of their communication and what exactly it takes for the bees to make honey. 
Following were the medicinal plants observed and discussed- 
  • The  नीम (Neem),which is used as a remedy for various skin-related diseases and as a mosquito-repellent, young stems of which are also used as tooth-brush as it strenghtens gums and prevents oral infections and cavities.
  • The second discussed tree was the उंबर (umbar) ,popularly known as the cluster fig tree,the favourite tree of many birds and bats and the white sap of which is used to treat goitre.The thick,colorless liquid from the roots is used to treat Urinary Tract Infection(UTI).
  • The next was the कांचन (kanchan) leaves of which are used to treat all the oral problems like cavities,gum problems and bad breath.
  • The next climber we saw was काली मिर्च (black pepper) dried ripe fruit of which is used as a spice,whereas raw dried fruit forms the white pepper.
  • Futher,we saw the कदम्ब (kadam) tree,fruits of which are used to treat all stomach related diseases and is a crucial tree in the Ayurveda.
  • रतनगुंज (ratangunj),also called as Crab’s Eye leaves are used in paan.The seeds of this were used to weigh gold in ancient times due to its uniformity in size,shape and weight.
  • पुत्रजीवक (putrajeevika) is used to treat infertility-related problems.
  • अडुळसा (adulsa) is used to treat severe cough and cold.
  • The Milk Weed has a sweet sap and is favourite of butterflies,and the leaves are used to treat hemorrhages.
  • आकाश नीम (aakash neem) ,also known Cork tree,the wood of which is used to make bottle corks.
  • हिरडा (hirda) and बेहडा (behada) are used to treat indigestion and stomach-related problems.The हिरडा,बेहडा,आवळा (hirda,behada,amla) are used to treat liver and kidney related issues.
  • महुआ (mohua)-Indian Butter tree is used to make vegan butter.
  • The red silk-cotton tree, सांवर  (saanvar)the sap has high cellulose content and is used to make paper and the thorns of it has medicinal value used to cure pimples and acne.
  • The रक्त चंदन (rakta chandan) tree which has a characteristic red sap,which is used to treat paralysis.
  • Gum karaya (ghost tree),a decidious tree,which sheds of its brown outer sap to reveal inner white sap,which on a moonlit night appears to fluorescence and glows making it appear scary!
  • अर्जुन वृक्ष (arjuna tree)which is proven to be beneficial in improving cardiac conditions and cure heart-related diseses using ANY part of the tree.
  • सीता-अशोक (sita-ashoka) or the true ashoka tree is used to treat all gynaecological diseases.
  • The fish-tail palm is used to treat migranes,even the severe ones.
  • The कोकम (kokam) fruit of which is used to treat stomach-related diseases and is a natural blood purifier.
  • पलाश (palash) or the flame of the forest due to its bright red flowering.
  • केवड़ा (kewda),an epiphyte, is famous for its fragnance.
  • The snake plant,an indoor plant,is a natural air purifier as it absorbs toxic gases from electronics.
  • जैट्रोफा (jatropha),a petro-crop,seeds of which give oil, i.e biodiesel.

Next, we visited Keshav Srushti’s nursery and also got to know about the eco-friendly technologies such as Solar Cooker and Biogas Plant. We also got a chance to visit the Nectar Garden. Apart this, students learnt about Vermicomposting, Rainwater harvesting, Sustainable farming technologies and Irrigation technologies. We also learnt how to make ecofriendly recycled paper in a workshop arranged by the authorities.

We would like to thank Dr. Santosh A. Shende,The Principal,Vartak College & Prof.Ms.Sadhana Purkait, Assistant Professor, The Department of Biotechnology for arranging this visit to Keshav Srushti.

Also,Sincere Thanks to Keshav Srushti, Bhayander and our guide, Mr.Abdullah Shaikh for having us for the Greenhouse Visit & for co-operating with us throughout.

Sharing some snaps from our visit-


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