In Harmony with Nature...
Experiencing nature and its power at- KESHAV SRUSHTI, BHAYANDER F riday,6 th December 2019 : The educational tour fulfilling the curriculum requirement for TYBSc (Biotechnology) for Agribiotechnology was arranged to Keshav Srushti, Bhayander with Ms.Sadhana Purkait as the Professor Incharge. We reached the destination around 9.00am and were guided by Mr. Abdullah Shaikh to explore the Biodiversity of this 200 acres area, which is also self-sufficient in terms of water, electricity, food and energy requirements. Amongst the various areas covered,at the very beginnning we were explained about Bee-Keeping, and the details the types of honey-bees,the pattern of their communication and what exactly it takes for the bees to make honey. Following were the medicinal plants observed and discussed- The नीम (Neem),which is used as a remedy for various skin-related diseases and as a mosquito-repellent, young stems of which...